"I was fortunate enough to have undergone early training at the Craniofacial Department at the Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto. Working with plastic surgeons affected how I began looking at teeth and understanding their importance in one’s overall appearance." |
Smiling comes naturally to Dr. Ed Philips, a Dentist who has embraced Cosmetic Dentistry. He has redesigned the smiles for thousands of patients.
For the past 20 years, Dr. Philips has been developing specialized techniques in the field of cosmetic dentistry. From his early training at The Toronto Hospital for Sick Children he continuously strives to blend the art and science of crafting beautiful smiles. He is the world’s leading authority in classifying Smile Patterns as related to dentistry. The beauty of his work is often featured in the country’s most prestigious dental publications.
His past teaching appointments include Course Director for Aesthetic Dentistry at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Continuing Education; Senior Clinical Instructor for Aesthetic Dentistry for the New Millennium, Niagara College; the Post-graduate Program in Aesthetic Dentistry at the University at Buffalo, SUNY; Continuing Education Course on Cosmetic Dentistry for the Ontario Dental Association; Post-graduate Program in Aesthetic Dentistry at Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry and Professor for the Faculty of Health Sciences, George Brown College.
His enthusiasm for smiles extends far beyond his office walls. Dr. Philips is a recognized international and local speaker and has received numerous awards and honours from his fellow colleagues.
"Ed Philips is one of the up and coming cosmetic experts, and presents real life practical solutions that can help anyone expand their cosmetic practice."
Dr. Roger Levin, President, The Levin Group
"Dr. Philips, one of Canada’s only dentists limiting his practice to aesthetic dentistry, is a great speaker, author and person. A truly excellent presenter and clinician!"
Dr. Lawrence Pearson, Editor, Continuing Education Update
"Ed provides a practical blueprint for immediate results, fashioning winners out of patients, staff and dentists."
Woody Oakes, DDS, FAES, Founder, Excellence In Dentistry, Inc.
"A most successful course, you are to be commended for your pioneering and leadership."
Dr. Jeffrey Golub-Evans, New York, New York
"I would encourage anyone thinking of retaining in-office consultants to call Dr. Philips now."
Dr. Arthur Galwin, Ottawa, Ontario
"Every aspect was thought out in detail. I am sure that it will set the standard for hands on courses in North America."
Dr. Barry Cash, Toronto, Ontario
"Your presentation infused a great deal of confidence into me."
Dr. James Shipley, Middleton, Wisconsin |